Proposal to create an abridged audio version of
Odyssey of the 8th Fire

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a free
6-minute sample audio recording of
Odyssey of the 8th Fire
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- Please support our efforts to make
this important story available in audio format

We propose to create a digital audio version of the true story, Odyssey of the 8th Fire, so that it may be brought before the American people as an educational program offering direct, practical information and guidance about living on the earth together – all colors and faiths – in a sustainable and respectful manner.

Based in the teachings native to our land, this adventure tale brings what has been foreseen and foretold into the present in a dynamic format for consideration at a pivotal time in history.

Odyssey of the 8th Fire is an epic, nonfiction saga, a physical and spiritual travelogue of North America: its places, its history, its ancient and contemporary wisdom keepers, and the road immediately ahead for us all.

Steven McFadden authored the saga with a 226-day stream of words and pictures on the Internet in 2006-07. Odyssey tells the story of a prayer walk from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The walk was inspired by an ancient Algonquin Indian teaching known as the Seven Fires and the Hopi instructions concerning the House of Mica (UN headquarters on Manhattan). The walk involved people of all colors and faiths, walking together under prophecy for the earth and for the seventh generation of children that will come in time. The pilgrims encountered directly the wisdom teachings of North America, and those teachings are faithfully reported as the saga unfolds.
While the band of 40+ pilgrims set out on foot guided by high spiritual ideals, human nature soon intruded, especially in the power dynamic as it played out between the women and the men. Ultimately, for complex spiritual and social reasons, the pilgrimage was stopped one cold, rainy day at California’s ancient village of Malibu, about 100 miles short of the Western Gate. That gap remains unwalked as of 2008.

We seek financial support for the production, promotion and distribution of a digital audio presentation of the epic saga, Odyssey of the 8th Fire.  From a professionally developed, digital composition, this work will be made available to a wide audience of people who prefer an audio format, those who are vision-impaired and must therefore rely on audio, for purchase as a CD set, in streaming format for Internet distribution, and available high-quality files for broadcast use. In addition to the major work, a derivative of the material available to the public will be a further abridged version on a set of no more than 2 CDs (approx. 138-140 minutes) and downloadable online in an audio podcast format.

We intend a theatrical audio production of Odyssey, employing professional narration, and meaningful sounds and music to bring heritage and prophecy to life in today’s context in recording of enduring value and beauty for listeners and for libraries.

Because of the monumental size and scope of the text version of Odyssey of the 8th Fire, the author is abridging the saga so it may be told in a vibrant, imaginative, and artistic audio format.

Listeners will have the option to take this epic journey across North America, following the story serially, hearing one audio episode a day for a metaphysically significant 40 days.

The completed audio work will be formatted so daily clips may be downloaded to computers, iPods, or MP3 players and then listened to, giving people a chance to make a challenging audio pilgrimage across North America, and engage the thoughts and feelings of hundreds of learned elders of our continent. 

Steven McFadden is the author of Odyssey of the 8th Fire, a journalist with over 30 years of experience. He is also the author of 7 other non-fiction books. Steven was directly involved with this historic pilgrimage from beginning to end. He made notes and took photographs, documenting the entire journey. A practiced orator, he will deliver the main text of the story to create the audio recording.

Bob Keeton, a veteran radio announcer and producer, will collaborate creatively and technically by producing the digital audio files in his recording studio. Bob has 36 years of radio and TV broadcasting experience. His national radio talk show, Living Successfully, is produced on-location across America. Bob is also the producer of a fast-moving, multimedia presentation entitled, “Wisdom of the Sages,” and a two-time winner of the international Communicator Award’s top honor, the Crystal Award of Excellence. For Odyssey of the 8th Fire, Bob will add voice-overs including the epigram of the day,


We seek financial support so that we may tell the true tale Odyssey of the 8th Fire in a sophisticated, theatrical audio format. We can offer this tale to the people of North America in service to the classical ideals of education, in honor of our heritage, and to help illumine the pathways that are before us.


Steven McFadden & Bob Keeton


Return to the main, complete text of
Odyssey of the 8th Fire